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Thursday, March 28, 2013

AdWords - Remarketing Tips

Under the AdWords Hood — Remarketing Tips

The Google AdWords Support Team takes part in a Hangout on Air explaining how you can use Remarketing to target customers who have been to your website.

This is part 3 of the Under the Hoods AdWords series that will be hosted at 11:00 AM PST every other Thursday. Next up: The AdWords Billing Cycle on February 21, 2013.

00:55 Meet Jeff & Adam

03:00 Adam gives high level overview of Remarketing

05:06 Jeff explains Remarketing Tags and Rules

08:10 Jeff explains Custom Combination lists

09:10 Adam discusses targeting all visitors to your website

10:57 Adam explains Remarketing to people who do not convert

13:40 Jeff gives tips on how to up-sell and cross-sell with Remarketing

16:15 Jeff answers live question about how users get on a Remarketing list

17:30 Adam explains using Remarketing with Google Analytics

19:35 Jeff explains Remarketing with YouTube

21:48 Wrap-up with information on contacting our support team!

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