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Monday, May 26, 2014

BlackHalo, the First Ever Decentralized Currency Exchange

Blackcoin Decentralize Exchange/SmartContract Service

Project Status: Beta

Funding: We are now taking donations to help expedite the porting of the system over from the soon to be complete version of BitHalo (same service, but intended for Bitcoin, now BlackCoin must be implemented into the system as well. Both services will release)

This is a huge day for BlackCoin community, and a pioneering move forward for Digital Currencies everywhere!

DzimBeck (A BlackCoin Community Faithful, Investor, Saint-like Programmer) has been hard at work to create a solution that will decentralize BLK and BTC buying/selling/transferring. Dzimbeck (David) wishes to alleviate the stress and hassle of moving coins around in centralized exchanges like Cryptsy/MintPal/Etc. Rat4 (Pavel Vasin) will be aiding David in implementing this into BlackCoin; as well as testing the security of such a service — so we can be certain that it will be reliable and safe for everyone in the community.

Let’s talk a bit about what something like BlackHalo can offer us, and why you should donate to help speed up the development.

BlackHalo V1.0 Features and Benefits:

Current implementation feature list:

- The inclusion to create Smart Contracts right from the software

- Benefit of decentralized BLK/BTC/Cash markets,

- NO THIRD PARTIES. 100% free (no fees)

- Multi-Signature Wallets

- Anti-Malleability Protection

- 2 Step Sending

- Joint Accounts

- Hack Resistant Security Features

- Contract Bridges

- Encoded BlockChain Messaging

- Bitmessage

Holy cow! Look at those features! That’s exciting. Could you imagine V2.0?1 I can’t even begin to imagine what future development (with even more developers, thanks to your kind donations) could do with program in the while once it has exited beta and been released as open source. We all want to see this come to life — and together anything is possible here in the BlackCoin community.

Here’s the great news! The project is already in beta phase! 

This isn’t some half-baked crypto KickStarter — this is the real deal. We want to get this off the ground and into the hands of the public as soon as possible. We will be taking all the donations and will escrow the bounty, wherein payment to the developers will be issued once the project is up and running.

 The escrow service is being done by Maarx, one of the board members of the BlackCoin Foundation.

What do you gain as in investor in a BlackCoin Project such as this you might be wondering? 
What value does donating to a project like this give myself (the investor); and what does it give the community?

- Great software (Smart contracts, Decentralized Market Trading — less fees the better)

- True decentralized freedom from exchanges and other centralized bodies

- We get a chance to show everyone that Rat4 (Pavel Vasin) is not the only one involved in the development of BlackCoins backend — anyone who is ambitious enough can join.

- We create further trust and commitment from long term holders who will continue to support BlackCoin as it continues to expand and improve its infrastructure.

- We wish to show the world that BlackCoin cares deeply about its community and its extremely talented pool of developers and programmers.

- The more professional and innovative our developments that come out of BlackCoin and all future develops ensure
that we continue to see a price increase from now to the remainder of 2014.

And most importantly, and this must be stressed; it is important to give back to those that do so much.
 That is why it is important to have a donation based incentive because it gives the community
 a chance to be empowered in knowing that a small amount can make a huge difference in their holdings in such a small amount of time.
 As well as benefit everyone involved in Digital Currency in the long run.

Here at BlackCoin, we are innovators. We are not afraid to try something new that is better in the long run for the community.
But, we also want to help set the stage. This is just the beginning. In the future the bounty for projects such as these will be worth far greater than we can imagine at present time. As time goes on, we will set the norms in the world of digital currency; and that norm is that when people are willing to work hard for digital currencies like BlackCoin, to help make them even greater. We are there to reward you every step of way.

Slight Disclaimer: Please send coin donations from a wallet service that will allow us to refund you more accordingly in the off chance you wish to pursue a refund at ANY point during the development. As long as we have a paper trail we can ensure that no issues come up when someone wants to take back their donation.

Donations can be refunded at any time (circumstances change, we understand). So you can be safe in knowing that you can give and still
 get your funds back if necessary, given personal circumstances.

List of Donation Addresses:

Escrow-Maarx (BLKFoundation Member) Reward BC Address:


Escrow-Maarx (BLKFoundation Member) Reward BTC Address:


And to donate to David directly- Dzimbeck BC Address:


We’ll leave you with this last thought. Every donation counts. 
Every small part plays a large role in bringing these projects to fruition and increasing the value of your holdings in the long term.
 Even if you do not wish to donate to the project: don’t be dead weight to the community that treats you so well. Give something back to those that do so much every day, even if its just a little.

 We hope that you will join us in bringing this to the digital currency masses, so that we may help to grow the digital currency space, and provide even more freedom from centralized bodies (even those dealing in digital currency).

We thank you!

McKie, XBladeX, Maarx, and of course Dzimbeck


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