SHA256 based crypto currency, Quick transactions, Quick difficulty adjustment.
No Premine
Based on Bitcoin 0.8.99 source
Block target: 30 seconds (20x Bitcoin)
Difficulty retargets every 4 blocks based on last 90 blocks (Quick difficulty readjustment)
Block reward: 1000 ZET, halving every 80640 blocks (about 1 month), not dropping below 1 ZET (inflationary)
Total coin supply: 160 million ZET + small yearly inflation
160 million coins will be mined in around first year
Thereafter around 1 million per year (inflationary). This small inflation is a better incentive to keep the network hashing than purely transaction fees.
P2P port: 17333
Web sites
Configuration File
Open port 17333 on your router for incoming connections
Guugll Zetacoin P2Pool — EU
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Zetacoin mystery announcement delayed
Zetacoin had seen 500% rise in value in just one week on the back of mysterious reports of a “big announcement.”
Last night one of the main people involved in zetacoin revealed some more details about what is happening. In an open letter, the person known only by the Twitter handle @TConspiracyChef, said that the main developer — known as Konen — has been working on some zetacoin implementation with a third party:
“Most of you have figured out that there is something big, and that there is a third party involved. You have guessed that the third party is way bigger than Konen and myself. And there’s the crux of it. This third party will not move until everything is 100% solid.”
So the major announcement which was due this week has now been delayed and it could be a few weeks before we hear anything.
Some in the cryptocurrency community have speculated that this is all part of an leaborate pump and dump scheme to make a quick buck, but @TConspiracyChef says:
“Konen is publically the creator of Cryptr and Nobs and will not risk his business on some pump and dump bullsh*t. He has been known to be a little late with his deadlines, but he always delivers.”
While there is no clear indication as to what exactly the zetacoin announcement is going to be, there is a small hint of possible altruistic leanings from @TConspiracyChef:
“This is an opportunity to draw a line in the sand and make a positive impact. Not only in the crypto community, but on the struggling communities of the planet as well.”
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