This is another PTC site paying in Bitcoin.
Relatively new on the block, but seems to have a good system in place. There are fewer ads but they are pretty consistent. Ads need to be viewed for 30 seconds for the equivalent of $0.01 paid in Bitcoin of course.
Member Benefits
Earn up to 0.0112 mBTC per click.
Earn 5% from your referrals clicks, as a Basic member.
Earn 30% from your referrals clicks, 5% from upgrades and purchases as a Premium member.
Get 80% from downline, 50% when they upgrade and 40% from their purchases as Co-Founder.
Investment or Miner Token with 3% referral bonus.
Cloud merge mining BTC, DVC, NMC, IXC coins as Basic Member.
Low Minimum payout 10 mBTC. 5 levels referral program.
Advertiser Benefits
Affordable advertising starting at 0.00199 mBTC.
Demographic targeting.
Many valuable offers.
24 hours unique hits with 120, 60, 30, 10 secs timer.
Detailed Statistics.
Strong anti-cheat protection.
Track your traffic in a detailed adpanel.
Guugll Search
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