Offering 1FTC for first 10 users who will start mining on our new FTC p2pool for Czech and Slovak Republic.
After a week of mining post your FTC mining address here in this topic and request bonus — your wallet will be verified on the stats page (you need to mine at least 7 days[week]) with mining power above 50kH/s — again will be verified agist the stats page.
We are in Prague so maybe this pool bonus giveaway could be interesting also for some Germans, Austrians and Polish guys close to Czech rep. There is probably no point to test this outside of Europe.
FTC p2pool
user: <FTC address>
pass: <random>
In case of good DOA rate you can perform otimization and performance tuning in order to get more from your rig !
— custom performance tuning and optimization —
You can set your share difficulty by adding +0.0000xxxx to your FTC adress:
Recommend share difficulty:
Hash Rate (KHash/s) Difficulty
1 +0.00000116
5 +0.00000582
10 +0.00001164
50 +0.00005821
100 +0.00011641
250 +0.00029103
500 +0.00058207
750 +0.00087310
1000 +0.00116414
for better performance use your hash rate in kH * 0.00000116414
from the result use just +0.0000xxxx (example: +0.00007462)
In case of higher DOA decrease the hash rate value 1-5% depending on your stats and connectivity to the pool.
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