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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Binary Options Tutorial

In order to make the binary options trading as user-friendly as possible we made this trading guide which will take you through our trading platform and familiarize you with all the trading instruments available. Trading with 24option is easy and fast. With the help of this guide you will understand the whole trading process. Once you master the trading platform you can start trading right away and enjoy our special rates of return!

Step 1 – Making a first deposit
In order to start trading with 24option, investors need to register to the site and make a minimum deposit of $250 (or the local currency equivalent amount). A deposit can be made by credit card or bank wire transfers.
When registering to 24option, you will be asked to choose your currency. Once chosen, your currency cannot be changed. Initial deposits can be made in U.S. Dollars, Pounds Sterling or Euros. For more details on making deposits please visit our deposits page.

Step 2 – Trading terminology and instruments
24option trading platform
Pressing the trade tab located in the main navigation menu on the 24option home page when logged in to your account will open the main trading window.

The Trading window is comprised of three sections: Main Option List – lower left corner, Trade Box – upper portion of screen, My Open Trades – lower right corner
What is the Option List?
The option list section displays all assets available to binary options trading at the moment. A customer can choose which type of asset to display (indices, forex, stocks, commodities or all) on this window, and in which order to display them.
The settings icon will open the full list of assets available for trading. With the help of the pull down menu located at the top of the option list, customers can also choose a specific binary option to view as well.

The section includes:
Market: European Stocks, U.S. Stocks, Forex, Commodities
Symbol: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, CAD/USD, Gold, etc.
Expiry: Intraday, End of the day, End of the week

The trading box – viewing all the details
In order to get more details on an option you are interested in buying, click on it and the trade box on the top of the page will be opened.
The trade box includes the following:
Asset – the asset you chose to trade. Check out the asset index for the full list of assets available for trading at 24option at the moment.
Target Price – the price at which 24option is selling the option. Target prices are dynamic and change often and so do the upper and lower boundary prices.
Market – The current market price of an underlying asset.
Graph – the price graph displays a chart of the asset price and the time left for the option before expiring. Target prices are also shown on this graph, the time left before this option expires and a marked area showing the profit possibilities.
Return – the return percentage displayed on the top right corner stands for the possible return on investment that can be expected on this option if it expire “In the Money”.
High/Low – the High/Low buttons (or the “+” and “-“ buttons on the full trading window, respectively) simply mark whether this option would be a low or a high one. All you need to do is to decide in which direction the price will go and click on the right button to determine your trade.
Expires – The time at which the option will expire.
Trading Closes – the hourglass countdown above the graph displays the amount of time left for this option to live, before it expires and can no longer be traded.

Step 3- Choosing an Option instrument
There are three types of trading instruments available to you on 24option: the classic High/Low instrument, the One Touch and the Boundary.
To select the instrument that is right for you, click one of the demonstrated instruments right from the trading window. For further information read more about these trading instruments in our Binary Trading section.
After choosing a type of binary option you would like to trade, the platform will display only the options relevant under the type of trading you chose.

Step 4 – Buying and trading a Binary Option
If you want to buy an option on a certain chosen asset use the trade box as explained above and follow the instructions:
Take a look – first of all, choose the desired trading instrument (High/Low, One Touch, Boundary or 60 Seconds) and examine a few chosen options on the trade box. Take a look at the details and learn them.
Choose the right option for you – after checking out a few options in the trading box, choose the one that you would like to purchase.
What is your prediction? After choosing an option you need to announce your prediction regarding this option. For example, if you chose the One touch instrument you need to choose between pressing the “Touch” or “No touch” buttons
What is your investment amount? Type the amount you wish to invest in this option. Please note that the investment must be more than $24 and less than $20,000. For more information on our investment policy and investment strategies, please see our binary options strategy page.
Buy – after placing the amount of investment on this option, simply click the “Buy” button in order to start trading.
After completing the process of purchasing a binary option successfully, a trade confirmation will be shown to you on the platform, telling you the transaction has been completed.

Conclusions on how to trade binary options
Now that you have gone through all the stages of trading binary options, you probably realize how easy and enjoyable it is. After registering and reading our trading guide you can start trading today! If you feel like you need more information on certain aspects or if you need any kind of help please contact us or browse our site for an array of useful information. You can start with the Binary Options section and progress from there.
All these tools will help you progress in trading, increasing your knowledge and eventually providing you with profitable trading.
Funding your account:
Banking actions like deposits and withdrawals can easily be made from your trading account. In order to execute these actions, choose the banking tab from the 24option homepage.
Clicking on the banking tab will automatically open the deposit screen. In order to make a deposit please follow the instructions below:
First of all, please select the method with which you would like to make the deposit (located on the left side of the form).
Fill in all the details needed. Please note that there are some necessary fields marked with an asterisk. These fields must be filled with the details requested.
Please confirm the deposit by clicking on the deposit button. Once the deposit has been approved you will be able to see it in your account.
Withdrawals can be easily made by choosing the banking tab from the home page and right after that choosing the “withdrawal tab” from the resulting tab on the banking page.

Register HERE.

Binary Options Tutorial



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Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

With the US raising their debt ceiling, are we in a global bail-out bubble that will eventually burst? This doc offers a fresh insight into the greatest economic crisis of our age: the one still awaiting us.

The financial storm that has rocked the world began brewing in the US when congress pushed the idea of home ownership for all, propping up those who couldn’t make the down payments. When it all went wrong the government promised the biggest financial stimulus packages in history and gargantuan bailouts. But what crazed logic is that: propping up debt with more debt? “They’re giving alcohol to a drunk: it just sets him up for a bigger hangover.”

July 2010

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CNN Rookie Trader Part 1

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Documentary on Currency Exchange (Forex) – 1986 – Color – 28 min

On June 4, 1985 the Enterprise cameras focused on the international currency market. Three traders, one each in New York, London and Hong Kong, are followed through one typical day. The stress, the responsibilities and the dedication of each man is evident as they work through a day of trading in Pounds Sterling, U. S. Dollars and German Marks.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

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Super Rich The Greed Game

Billion Dollar Day - Part a.

BBC Documentary on Currency Exchange (Forex) – 1986 – Color – 28 min


On June 4, 1985 the Enterprise cameras focused on the international currency market. Three traders, one each in New York, London and Hong Kong, are followed through one typical day. The stress, the responsibilities and the dedication of each man is evident as they work through a day of trading in Pounds Sterling, U. S. Dollars and German Marks.

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Billion Dollar Day - Part a.

Tunisian Veil Ban: Frontline Of Identity War

In the third part of our series on the rise in the Arab world of ultra-conservative Muslims known as Salafis, NPR’s Leila Fadel takes us to Manouba University on the outskirts of the Tunisian capital Tunis. The school’s dean has vowed to uphold a rule that bars women from wearing a face veil in the classroom. Salafi students oppose the ban, and see this as a battle for freedom of religion. The issue is a microcosm of a much larger battle between the staunchly secular and the deeply pious in Tunisia.

Traders on Wall Street, Episode 1 of "The Zeroes"

At the turn of the millennium, Randall Lane, former head of Forbes’ Washington bureau, knew what this decade would be about. He started Trader Monthly — a slick glossy magazine that was to become the GQ of Wall Street. It portrayed a glamorous world of yachts and private jets, fine wines and lavish mansions. Meanwhile, trading floors were functioning like giant casinos, and the banking community was gambling with the average Joe’s savings.

Lane and his company got caught up in the madness. They had front row seats to the vast wealth of Wall Street — and they dreamed that some crumbs would fall their way.

In “The Zeroes,” we get a ringside seat alongside Lane to some of the biggest parties of the decade, including a Wall Street “Charity” boxing night held at Manhattan’s lavish Hammerstein Ballroom. This 5-part web series pits the fantasy of unlimited growth against the wheeling-and-dealing of Wall Street’s glitzy surface.

A morality tale uniquely fitted for our times, “The Zeroes” cuts to the heart of what drove America to believe in dreams too good to be true.

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Traders on Wall Street, Episode 1 of "The Zeroes"

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In China, The Government Isn't The Only Spy Game In Town

Increasingly, China’s surveillance state has extended to include Chinese individuals spying on one another. Former journalist Qi Hong has helped ordinary citizens and government officials alike detect bugs and hidden cameras planted by others. In one year, his bug hunt turned up more than 300 devices for a hundred friends.

South Korea says it has launched satellite into orbit

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South Korea says it has successfully launched a satellite into orbit from its own soil for the first time, weeks after archrival North Korea successfully launched its own satellite to the surprise of the world.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hillary Clinton Reflects On Challenges Of Office

“We all have to do a better job” in the aftermath of the events in Benghazi, Libya, Clinton said in an interview with NPR. The outgoing secretary of state also discussed, among other things, her plans for 2016.

Brazil nightclub fire ignited by flare for outdoor use

brazil nightclub fire ignited by flare for outdoor use

Penny-pinching by a band known for its onstage pyrotechnic displays may have cost more than 230 people their lives at a nightclub in southern Brazil, according to a police inspector leading the investigation into this weekend’s deadly blaze.

Mexico stays on the sidelines in immigration reform debate

The nation may have the most at stake as Washington considers new policy on illegal immigrants, but it has learned the hard way to avoid the appearance of meddling in U.S. affairs.

MEXICO CITY — Here is what you probably won’t see in the coming weeks as the U.S. Congress debates a sweeping immigration overhaul: Mexico becoming

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In Japan, Food Can Be Almost Too Cute To Eat

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Google Maps fills in North Korea details

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Google has updated its map of North Korea with roads, subway stations, parks and other details contributed by “citizen cartographers.”

U.S. May Build Base For Drones In Northwest Africa

The United States is looking to base surveillance drones in the African nation of Niger. The base there will allow the U.S. unmanned vehicles to conduct operations in northern Africa, including in Mali, where France has intervened to fight Islamist militants. Tom Bowman talks to Melissa Block about the latest on the increasing U.S. military role in Africa.

John Kerry confirmed as U.S. secretary of state

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The U.S. Senate has confirmed Senator John Kerry as the next secretary of state, replacing Hillary Rodham Clinton. The vote was 94-3.

How A Spanish City Went Boom, Then Bust

Valencia, which once spent lavishly on tourism projects, now epitomizes the worst of Spain’s economic problems. Its landscape is littered with empty and half-finished buildings, and the regional government has run out of funds to repair schools.

Killer cats take down billions of birds, report says

killer cats take down billions of birds report says

Cats may kill up to 3.7 billion birds and 20.7 billion mammals in the United States alone each year, a new study has found.

The Challenges To Democracy In Egypt

Egypt’s defense minister warned that the rising conflicts and chaos in the country could result in “the collapse of the state.” Ongoing violence highlights the continued tensions between the government and the opposition, and raises questions about the prospects of Egypt’s transition into a democracy.

How The Banking Industry Works

How The Banking Industry Works

Julia Sanders interviews Thomas Lloyd, an investment banker of ABC Wealth Management, resulting in a satiric exposition of the banking industry.

How The Banking Industry Works

Dozens of bodies found in Syrian city of Aleppo

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Syrian activists say at least 65 bodies, some of them with their hands tied behind their back, have been found on a river bank in the northern city of Aleppo.

Wall Street Warriors – season 1 episode 3 [HD]

Wall Street Warriors is a documentary and reality TV series that details the lives of various Wall Street entrepreneurs. Copyrighted for «In Demand». A MOJO HD channel original series, each episode is 30 minutes long and shot in high definition video.

Currently two seasons have aired and a third season is in production. MOJO HD recently announced it will be going dark in December, 2008 and it is uncertain which network will air the current season of the series.

On February 18, 2009 the opening scenes surfaced on the web for the Wall Street Warriors Season 3. Even though it was a very brief video it seems to have been made during the peak of the October 2008 stockmarket turmoil. The hope is that Season 3 will eventually make it on air or in some online form.

wall street warriors season 1 episode 3 hd

Pakistan policeman gunned down while guarding polio workers

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Gunmen riding on a motorcycle shot and killed a police officer protecting polio workers during a UN-backed vaccination campaign in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, police said.

Reports: Dozens Of Bodies Found In Syria; Young Men Apparently Executed

Activists and rebels say more than 60 bodies have been found and that the number will likely rise. Since March 2011 more than 60,000 people have died in Syria as the Assad regime has fought back against protesters and rebel militias.

Malian, French forces retake Timbuktu from Islamists

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As French and Malian soldiers held control of the fabled desert city of Timbuktu following the retreat of Islamist extremists, Tuareg fighters claimed today that they control the strategic city of Kidal and other northern towns.

Passenger plane carrying 20 people crashes in Kazakhstan

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A passenger plane crashed today near Kazakhstan’s principal city, Almaty, likely killing all 20 on board, Kazakhstan airline SCAT said.

In China, Beware: A Camera May Be Watching You

There are an estimated 20 million to 30 million surveillance cameras in China — or about one for every 43 people. Officials say the cameras help fight crime and maintain “social stability.” But critics say the government uses them to monitor and intimidate dissidents — and that they will erode ordinary citizens’ the already limited freedom to protest.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Egypt's Port Said now a pivotal test for President Mohamed Morsi

Morsi has deployed the army and imposed emergency law as the death toll rises in rioting. But neither the troops nor the curfew has quelled the rage.

PORT SAID, Egypt — This shipping city of factory men, with its whispers of colonial-era architecture, was once a crossroads for intellectuals, spies and wanderers who conspired in cafes while the Suez Canal was dug and Egypt’s storied cotton was exported around the

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French, Mali troops drive rebels from Timbuktu

The joint assault on Timbuktu comes amid reports that fleeing Islamist militants set ablaze a library that holds ancient manuscripts.

SEVARE, Mali — French-led forces entered Mali’s legendary desert city of Timbuktu on Monday as Al Qaeda-linked fighters fled amid fresh reports of a population terrorized and prized ancient artifacts destroyed during their nine-month

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Zimbabwe Activists Won't Back Down To Mugabe

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Iran Claims 'Major Achievement;' Says Monkey Was Sent Into Space

The nation’s official media reports the primate was sent up about 75 miles. It reportedly survived the trip. Iran says it’s aiming to launch a manned mission in five to eight years. Other nations are concerned that the program is really aimed at developing long-range missiles.

Australian floods soak thousands of homes

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Severe flooding in eastern Australia has cut power to thousands of homes on Monday and left many awaiting rescue from dangerous conditions.

In Egypt: Protests Continue, Opposition Balks At Talks With Morsi

A 30-day state of emergency and some curfews have not stopped protesters from returning to the streets. Meanwhile, a leading opposition group says it won’t take part in President Mohammed Morsi’s “national dialogue” until he agrees to some reforms.

Iran claims monkey launched into space

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Iranian state TV says the country has successfully sent a monkey into space in what’s described as another step toward Tehran’s goal of a manned space flight.

French And Malian Forces Take Airport In Timbuktu; Islamists Burn Library

It’s feared that thousands of ancient manuscripts may have been destroyed in the fire. The oldest is said to date to 1204. Meanwhile, French and Malian forces are securing the ancient city and searching for the Islamist extremists.

Brazil mourns 233 people killed in nightclub fire

brazil mourns 233 people killed in nightclub fire

Brazilians are mourning the deaths of hundreds of people in a fire at a nightclub over the weekend. More than 230 people, mostly young college students, died in a cloud of toxic smoke after a blaze enveloped the crowded Kiss nightclub within seconds and set off a panic.

Binary Options Guide

In order to make the binary options trading as user-friendly as possible we made this trading guide which will take you through our trading platform and familiarize you with all the trading instruments available. Trading with 24option is easy and fast. With the help of this guide you will understand the whole trading process. Once you master the trading platform you can start trading right away and enjoy our special rates of return!

Step 1 – Making a first deposit
In order to start trading with 24option, investors need to register to the site and make a minimum deposit of $250 (or the local currency equivalent amount). A deposit can be made by credit card or bank wire transfers.
When registering to 24option, you will be asked to choose your currency. Once chosen, your currency cannot be changed. Initial deposits can be made in U.S. Dollars, Pounds Sterling or Euros. For more details on making deposits please visit our deposits page.

Step 2 – Trading terminology and instruments
24option trading platform
Pressing the trade tab located in the main navigation menu on the 24option home page when logged in to your account will open the main trading window.

The Trading window is comprised of three sections:
Main Option List – lower left corner
Trade Box – upper portion of screen
My Open Trades – lower right corner
What is the Option List?
The option list section displays all assets available to binary options trading at the moment. A customer can choose which type of asset to display (indices, forex, stocks, commodities or all) on this window, and in which order to display them.
The settings icon will open the full list of assets available for trading. With the help of the pull down menu located at the top of the option list, customers can also choose a specific binary option to view as well.

The section includes:
European Stocks
U.S. Stocks
Gold, etc.
End of the day
End of the week

The trading box – viewing all the details
In order to get more details on an option you are interested in buying, click on it and the trade box on the top of the page will be opened.
The trade box includes the following:
Asset – the asset you chose to trade. Check out the asset index for the full list of assets available for trading at 24option at the moment.
Target Price – the price at which 24option is selling the option. Target prices are dynamic and change often and so do the upper and lower boundary prices.
Market – The current market price of an underlying asset.
Graph – the price graph displays a chart of the asset price and the time left for the option before expiring. Target prices are also shown on this graph, the time left before this option expires and a marked area showing the profit possibilities.
Return – the return percentage displayed on the top right corner stands for the possible return on investment that can be expected on this option if it expire “In the Money”.
High/Low – the High/Low buttons (or the “+” and “-“ buttons on the full trading window, respectively) simply mark whether this option would be a low or a high one. All you need to do is to decide in which direction the price will go and click on the right button to determine your trade.
Expires – The time at which the option will expire.
Trading Closes – the hourglass countdown above the graph displays the amount of time left for this option to live, before it expires and can no longer be traded.

Step 3- Choosing an Option instrument
There are three types of trading instruments available to you on 24option: the classic High/Low instrument, the One Touch and the Boundary.
To select the instrument that is right for you, click one of the demonstrated instruments right from the trading window. For further information read more about these trading instruments in our Binary Trading section.
After choosing a type of binary option you would like to trade, the platform will display only the options relevant under the type of trading you chose.

Step 4 – Buying and trading a Binary Option
If you want to buy an option on a certain chosen asset use the trade box as explained above and follow the instructions:
Take a look – first of all, choose the desired trading instrument (High/Low, One Touch, Boundary or 60 Seconds) and examine a few chosen options on the trade box. Take a look at the details and learn them.
Choose the right option for you – after checking out a few options in the trading box, choose the one that you would like to purchase.
What is your prediction? After choosing an option you need to announce your prediction regarding this option. For example, if you chose the One touch instrument you need to choose between pressing the “Touch” or “No touch” buttons
What is your investment amount? Type the amount you wish to invest in this option. Please note that the investment must be more than $24 and less than $20,000. For more information on our investment policy and investment strategies, please see our binary options strategy page.
Buy – after placing the amount of investment on this option, simply click the “Buy” button in order to start trading.
After completing the process of purchasing a binary option successfully, a trade confirmation will be shown to you on the platform, telling you the transaction has been completed.

Conclusions on how to trade binary options
Now that you have gone through all the stages of trading binary options, you probably realize how easy and enjoyable it is. After registering and reading our trading guide you can start trading today! If you feel like you need more information on certain aspects or if you need any kind of help please contact us or browse our site for an array of useful information. You can start with the Binary Options section and progress from there.
All these tools will help you progress in trading, increasing your knowledge and eventually providing you with profitable trading.
Funding your account:
Banking actions like deposits and withdrawals can easily be made from your trading account. In order to execute these actions, choose the banking tab from the 24option homepage.
Clicking on the banking tab will automatically open the deposit screen. In order to make a deposit please follow the instructions below:
First of all, please select the method with which you would like to make the deposit (located on the left side of the form).
Fill in all the details needed. Please note that there are some necessary fields marked with an asterisk. These fields must be filled with the details requested.
Please confirm the deposit by clicking on the deposit button. Once the deposit has been approved you will be able to see it in your account.
Withdrawals can be easily made by choosing the banking tab from the home page and right after that choosing the “withdrawal tab” from the resulting tab on the banking page.

Register HERE.

Boeing 787 probe examines plane monitoring system

boeing 787 probe examines plane monitoring system

The joint U.S. and Japanese investigation into the Boeing 787′s battery problems has shifted from the battery-maker to the manufacturer of a monitoring system.

Egypt's Salafis Emerge As Powerful, And Controversial, Political Force

The ultra-conservative Muslims, whose influence has grown since the Arab Spring, aspire to a society ruled entirely by Islamic law. But to their critics, the Salafis are religious fanatics who are trying to drag the region back to seventh-century Arabia.

Fire survivors recall deadly chaos in Brazil club

At the ‘mega-packed’ Kiss venue in Santa Maria, Brazil, which reportedly had just one exit, more than 230 died after a fire broke out.

SANTA MARIA, Brazil — It was just before 3 a.m. when the resident DJ tweeted a photo from inside the popular Kiss nightclub, where a singer was belting out a song between two huge columns of pyrotechnic

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Egypt president invokes emergency powers in 3 cities

Morsi cracks down as Egypt’s death toll rises in rioting over security and economic issues, as well as death sentences in a case involving 21 soccer fans.

PORT SAID, Egypt — President Mohamed Morsi invoked emergency powers in three cities Sunday night to stem riots that have killed nearly 50 people and raised questions over whether his Islamist-backed government can secure order amid sharpening political

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Screen Actors Guild Awards draw stars

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Stars gather for Sunday’s Screen Actors Guild awards, which are the latest show in a puzzling Academy Awards season in which Hollywood’s top prize, the best-picture Oscar, looks up for grabs.

'Fruitvale', 'Blood Brother' win big at Sundance Film Festival

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The dramatic film Fruitvale and the documentary Blood Brother won over audiences and Sundance Film Festival judges.